
Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Over 2 years since posting something, disgusting; also, looking back, I might have signed up for and failed to complete a 40 days of blogging series.  This is undeniable proof that I don't usually finish what I start.  It's a tragedy but also a strong contributor to my jack-of-all-trades persona that I've been not-finishing-what-I-started for my whole life.  I'm sort of dumping right meow though, let's establish goals:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday blogging to begin.  I think speaking in absolutes seems more definitive...  Speaking in absolutes is more definitive.  But seriously,

Blogging about whatever.  Previously I was blogging about movies and games, but I'd define myself as interested in more.  Here are my current interests:
- Swing dance - been doing this pretty much from the end of my last blog post, it started in Japan and it's something where I continue to find challenges to overcome.
- Music, playing/singing/listening (not necessarily in this order),
- Arts of different genres - I paint, sketch, use my tablet/photoshop, etc.  I shall begin posting things more often.  Mind you, I have friends who are truly skilled so I'm not expecting too much of this.
- Building Science <- Where'd this come from?  Well, it's currently my job so it'd better be an interest.  Currently my work revolves around restoring buildings to a working or an improved condition.  It involves science, engineering (applied science), and thinking like water.  This is one job which requires more imagination and material science than I'm used to.  Also, hanging off the sides of buildings, yay.  Currently completing my Masters in this, let's hope I can actually complete it :S
- Video games - Been playing a tonne of Destiny, maxed out a character or 2, completed the Raid on Hard Mode last week, so maybe I complete some things :D
- TV series - Completing my thought on video games, some of these will be written about when inspired.  For example, I'm compelled to write about Destiny and AC: Unity as they've both let me down in different ways.  Currently I'm watching Brooklyn Nine-nine, Adventure Time (holy jebus this show), and a few more.  If there's a particularly inspiring episode I'll write about it.
- Whatever - Might throw some poetry in here, philosophical rants, coordinate with other bloggers, maybe some sexuality stuff, we'll see.  It's a boldly blogger blog, nerd references aside, let's explore new subjects.

Cheers and happy blogging.

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